Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Cycling Neurosis

I survive and will survive
but would rather thrive, like the ones who drive
I arrive at the intersection of tail-light signals
And the phantoms which swim behind windshields
in a trail between weaving cudgels

I survive and will survive
As belief abandons virtue for some pattern
Of anticipated nightmares
The light says walk, dismount and cross
sure enough, jump out as the minivan starts again to cross the
and forget I'm dodging the mind rather than the face the mind
the mind aware of the face it wears, the face of its wares

I survive and will survive
As law devolves into ethic, one or the other
A seed of virulent neurotic anarchy
The teleporter will never be ready for us
We won't recognize ourselves on the landing pad
With the organs of our bodies preaching their delusions
To each other in the last moment.

I survive with a promise betrayed,
Willingly made, now a deal between
The real and the ideal, or how I feel
I would never become what came before
I become what those who come after will never become
Weaving among the cudgels
Complacent, playful, distracted, deluded ideals on wheels
Seeking the forgiveness we've taught ourselves to withold,
Silently praying a completely unoriginal defense for the lot of us.

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