Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Danger Pay

Raise me
Old enough to need the math
Father, God, Professor, Pimp, Akela...

I don't know the white birds that sit in parking lots
Facing the wind and the sunset
I don't know the May flies from the June bugs
Which splash the same on windshields anyway
I don't know the flowers authors paint into their fantasies
and my five dollar dictionary is no good for fifteen dollar prose

Just raise me, or give me a raise
you aqualung salesman on mushrooms
you worker bee with tits
filling me with your dusty dreams
Crowning me with your construction paper genius cap

Tell the boss why I play dumb on the job
Tell the pastor why I left bibles on his doorstep
Tell the cop why I don't trust traffic signals
Tell the pretty girls why I don't make passes
Tell the tax man why I delegate math
When I see the big picture
I talk to the big guy
I know where all the bodies are buried
I know how to make them come
And I remember calculus
But I found a childless patriarch
and said, “let's do it again”
I renounced the title for danger pay

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